Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seo Tricks Part 2

Good search engine optimization includes several factors that are explained to help you achieve better website placement. Most of the tips given can be achieved almost immediately, where as other factors explained will take a lot of your time and effort. If you are serious about Search Engine Optimization then you’re on the right track. Please note that the tips mentioned in these tips are used by SearchBliss and some of the website optimization stated is merely our opinion.

Before you begin reading these tips, please keep this in mind. The most important advice I can give you is to build your web pages with your visitors in mind. We have all been to sites that “don’t make much sense” as a result of webmasters targeting keywords that they have trouble placing into readable text. You can have thousands of web site visitors each day, but it is useless traffic when they exit your page out of frustration, and they may never return.

Targeting the Right Keywords

Choose the right keywords. This is an extremely important part of Search Engine Optimization and should be done FIRST. Optimizing a site takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work. Doing this targeting the wrong keywords can be devastating. Find relevant keywords that are searched for often. Make sure you target “phrases” rather than single keywords. For example, targeting “hosting” alone will not help you. There are too many search results. But targeting “web hosting provider”, “web hosting service”, and “hosting business” will get you more realistic results (and a ton of traffic). Plus you are still targeting “hosting”. I would suggest targeting ONE “reach phrase” and TWO “realistic phrases”. Three phrases may seem like a lot, but not when one or two key terms is in all three phrases. When this occurs, things don’t get watered down, giving better results.

Let’s begin with the “bare bones” of website optimization. Title tag and meta tags. Most SE’s (search engines) give little to no relevance to some of these, however, since no one really knows how they are factored by each engine, they are still important steps in optimizing any web site.

1: The TITLE tag
Here is an example Title tag which should appear in-between the <HEAD> tags of your web page(s):

<title>My Business Title</title>

The title tag is very important. Why? Because SE’s not only give it value in relation to search engine optimization, but they use it in their search results. Search on ANY search engine, and you’ll see the content of this tag used in the anchor text of the links for each web site. Here is a little experiment. Follow the Google link (opens in a new window) and take a look. Google Experiment

There are 28,100,000+ pages in Google with the title tag <title>Untitled Document</title> So most of the web page links displayed are Untitled Document. Why? Because who ever built these web pages used an editing program that adds the title tag, and they never changed the title text which is certainly poor Search Engine Optimization.

So what should be in the title tag? The name of your business or web site with the “keyword phrase” you are targeting. For example, your business sells “watches”. This is a broad search term and using it alone my not work out for you. There are 42,500,000 estimated search results in Google. However searching for the term “Swiss watches” I get 2,760,000 estimated results. The likelihood of your site appearing in the first 3 pages of Google is much more realistic using “Swiss watches”. This is better website optimization. Plus, the keyword “watches” is still present, so you are actually targeting both terms.

Here is a good title tag using this example:

<title>MyGreatWidgets Inc., widget Tools</title>

Keep it short and to the point. Targeting too many keywords can “thin out” your website’s relevance.

Here is an example description meta tag which should appear in-between the <HEAD> tags of your web page(s):

<meta name=”description” content=”A Description of My Business.”>

The description meta tag is less important for search engine optimization, but it is still utilized by the search engines. Google for example, will use the web pages body text, image alt tags, and yes even portions of the description meta tag will show at times. The body text and alt tags will be discussed later on in these tips.

So in my opinion, it is important enough to use. The best way to use it is to place your keyword phrase inside this meta tag “once”, then split up the phrase and add the keywords again separately. But keep it readable, and avoid too many comas. This is bad Search Engine Optimization and can be viewed as “spam”. Your site could be black listed and ignored by SE’s all together. Also, use two sentences maximum and avoid “sales pitches” like “The best shop ever”, and so on.

Here is a good description meta tag targeting the term “Widget tools” from the example above:

<meta name=”description” content=”Widget Tools from MyGreatWidgets Inc. Browse through our large selection of widget software and tools.”>

Notice that “Widget” and “TOOLS” appear twice, but the second time is split with the term “SOFTWARE” (widget software being a secondary targeted keyword phrase).

3: The KEYWORD Meta Tag
The keyword meta tag has been ignored by search engines for many years now. It carries NO weight when it comes to search engine optimization. So there is no reason to waste your time with this meta tag.

There are also several other meta tags that may or may not help website optimizing, like the “abstract”, “robots”, etc. But I feel that there is no need to cover these in regards to good Search Engine Optimization. I believe they are not an important part of search engine optimization and have no use in these tips.

Seo Tricks Part 2

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