Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No Celebrations ! While Festivals Are Required

Today the day of Diwali and offcourse holidays are going on. No doubt we are taking care of this time as much as we can but the uses of holidays are getting different from past time and celebrations, now a days we are taking only rest, time pass/non productive works instead of celebrating the same and here are those works likely to be participated in the list as below.

  • The day to party/outing :- The youngsters don’t believe in maintaining those value our elders are taking care about but the youths think they got the time to party and outing with friends to remember their free time and sweet moments in past and don’t gets time to live the life as they thinks because of their busy schedule of working or studies.

  • Time to meet relatives :- These festivals always spread the word of love and humanity amongst the peoples basically in the family members and creates a time interval to meet with most closer ones, these celebrations make time eligible for to do all the acts that can make families more closer and caring about each other these days we don’t have management around the own house to keep the relations alive but can fill the gaps in the holidays responding main festivals.

  • Shopping for all :- Most of the time we shops for ourself but the festivals says to do it for all who is in frequent contact with us and yeah this should be without any demand in response because then only the celebrations gives you peace of mind and the relation will go more stronger.

  • Day to sleep :- Peoples like me who don’t gives any chance to miss the time that may be a great day to sleep and get internal peace from the heart, sleeping don’t goes non profit because after waking up we gives more than capabilities and feels good to sleep again and again to perform that much of value.

  • Time to drink :- The sale increases these days of wine, beer, and other alcoholic drinks available in the  market because occasional drinkers also gets activated these days and thinks it’s time to drink. Many  peoples thinks that these days they have licence to do what they want and that’s why they firstly  attempts those works that attracts much more than what should be in real and what that can give  more value than these attractive ones.

No Celebrations ! While Festivals Are Required

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