Friday, August 17, 2012

Hackitat - A film about political hacking, world wide

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This film will crash land in the middle of the conflict currently taking place between those who want to keep technology and the Internet free and those who want to control it.

We want to make this documentary and release it under a creative commons license so that everyone can see the film. But for this to happen we need your help.

What compels some people to spend a lot of time and energy on setting up servers, creating programs and even committing crimes to help people in a dictatorship in another country to communicate freely?

Who are the people building a nation on the Internet and why are they doing it? How are the hackers in Bolivia working to integrate indigenous languages into computer software so that all people can access the technology?

Who are the hackers in the middle east that some call terrorists and some call freedom activists. What drives this activism and does anonymous in Bahrain share a common ideology with anonymous in Brazil?

Around the world there is a network of hackerspaces that explore, hack and create new ways of expressing themselves with technology. Hackerspaces that by some are seen as a threat to our digital society.

What is it that drives these people? What are their purpose and their reasons for what they do? How do they live their lives? These are some of the questions we will seek to answer with this movie as we meet hackers and visit their hackerspaces.

We need your help to realize the production of this full-featured documentary film about the hacker culture. When technology is taking over our lives the battle over free digital communication will be one of the defining struggles of our time. This film will explore this conflict by talking to the people that are in it.

This money will enable us to visit hackerspaces in five continents and feature them in the film. After the film is finished it will be released on the Internet with a Creative Commons license for everyone to enjoy.

If you don’t have the possibility to help financially you can always help us by spreading the word! <3

Hackitat - A film about political hacking, world wide

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