Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Reasons Why Education Must Be Coed

5 Reasons Why Education Must Be Coed


Coed or co-education gives a very clear and mysterious feeling to both boy and girl student that they have to get their further education where opposite sex will be mate and have to share the learning and keeps observing as desire to know more about them. It’s always a advantage when you gives intro rather than hiding from the child students because they have nothing to study about their confusions and interest when you delivers the same thing they may concentrate towards their studies as well. This system of mixed schooling gets different comments by the experts and valuable peoples on their own thinking and behavior for their opposite sexes but I am going to expose those points where both the gender will gain the actual meanings and confidential behind this strategy in our society.

1. Makes easy interaction :- Average of 90% boys and girls feel shy and confusion in case of interacting with the opposite sex peoples and in their future they gets uncomfortable with them in talking and all others activities to do as a social means and need. We all should be involve in these kind of communities where both the sexes do any kind of working or promotion to wash away the challenges mostly for the interactions.

2. Balances the understanding between them :- Whatever we are thinks only about our challenges and problems that have to deal with for the survival in this competitive world but totally forgets about the same situations that happens with our opponents and gives them a less value than ourself which shows illiteracy and banish power of your brain which requires a more education and training to live this modern and highly hi-tech world of humans.

3. To gain any target together :- Can achieve some targets with less efforts if gives the chance to our social partners and all have some expertise so choose them to work with you all and will see the improved results where probability was like nothing if you tries alone to show your value to the opposite ones.

4. Gives more confidence in life :- If you have friends in the opposite gender and you can see the both life of male and female will be more closer to each other and will find the confidence and value of your knowledge and partnership with any, ok let it lightly and leave for the tour of space without any contact and support you will see your decreasing interest in life but if your gets a partner of opposite sex will survive happily from your heart and emotions.

5. Controls social abuses :- If we puts us in a same bucket from childhood will be more open and touchy for their behavior,emotions,value and all that gives a break to social abuses like dowry, sexual harassment or else. Very few of us are thinking about these major problems that can be under total control but the efforts are also very time taking and may take a whole generation gap to be effective in live.

I was talking about both the sexes so don’t be confuse in only one, it’s all about change and improvement in our society if we takes the co-education as a serious factor for promoting because there is always some exceptions and will try to stop their exceptions while we all should have the tools like opening all the institutes for both the genders and try to advertise the advantages and disadvantages as well so that students and parents can take a further decision to move on the way to balance the situation of distractions in youths that always pushes us backwards.

5 Reasons Why Education Must Be Coed

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